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I Made Your Clothes - Picture


I Made Your Clothes




You have probably already seen photos of workers holding a poster with “I Made Your Clothes” written on it.

Where do these photos come from? Is this a brand initiative or part of a wider movement? Before answering these questions, we should probably start from the beginning.

In 2013 in Bangladesh, Rana Plaza collapsed, causing the death of more than 1100 people. The building housed the clothing factories for several major fast fashion brands.

Widely covered by the media, this disaster has now become a symbol for the serious labor issues that continue to persist within the garment industry.

The incident triggered outright indignation among the general public, prompting several garment industry stakeholders (designers, brands, human rights organizations, consumers, factories, etc.) to respond.

Their goal: to fight for greater transparency within the garment industry.

This is how the non-profit Fashion Revolution was born.

While Fashion Revolution may sound like the name of a shock campaign, it has the advantage of being abundantly clear: the garment industry, especially fashion, needs to change in a big way.

This clearly activist movement calls out brands to reveal what goes on behind the scenes: do you know who makes the products you buy? Where? What are the working conditions?

The hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes has become the symbol of their fight, with more than 388,000 posts on Instagram spreading this message and questioning brands directly about their practices.
Thanks to cooperation between governments, consumers, stores, human rights organizations, and suppliers, the movement quickly became viral and spread around the globe.


GUO LIANG & EVA HUANG - Atelier de tissage/Spinning factory


JOHNSON SU - Atelier de teinture/Dyeing factory


MICHEAL HUANG - Bouteilles plastiques/Plastic bottles


HSIAO-LING LIN - Atelier de laminage/Lamination factory


PETER LIN & LOUIS LEE - Flyingtex Company


SHR CHAN RUAN - Atelier de filage/Spinning factory

Every April, during Fashion Revolution Week, the movement focuses most of its energy on actions worldwide: protests, lobbying, a very active presence on social media, workshops, conferences, and film showings.

This is also the time of year that we have chosen to introduce you to the workers who make our products, to describe the work that they do, and to explain their workplace conditions.

Now it is your turn. Question the brand of your choice using the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes and demand greater transparency!

To learn more about our commitment to labor and social change, you can visit this page.

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