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Picture - Particule - Black Edition Crew






Picture presents « Particule », a film by the Black Edition Crew

Snow is what brings all of us together. It is what gives us the chance to create magical images in the street and also build special friendships all over the world.

The idea is to use any type of element or texture that we have to deal with in the street environment such as wood, ice, brick, metal, concrete… All these elements can be found in any street, everywhere in the world. In this case, Quebec and Finland are on the map. Even if these matters are not natural, let’s at least have fun with them.

Julo, Emile, JF and Janne bring their own way to express themselves in the city, by skiing and snowboarding with one challenge: to push back limits in a new urban environment!

It doesn’t matter how you do it, snowboarding or skiing, what matters is the spirit behind it and having the right vision, which is for us to spend good time with our friends and share those moments together.

In a few words, this movie shows us what street riding is:

“Riding is made with friendship.
A friendship made on snow.
A snow made by Particles.”

Discover the Black Edition line : here

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