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Sander HADLEY - Ski - Picture


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Date of birth






What does being part of the Picture family represent to you?

Picture represents the intersection of enjoying the outdoors and being stewards for the natural environment.

I can feel good about promoting a brand who aligns with my morals and ethics in regards to protecting the natural world. Picture’s dedication to limiting their impact through reduced packaging methods, extensive R&D of cultivating sustainable materials and speaking up for what they believe in resonates within me.  Am I 100% perfect? Definitely not. Do I drive a gas burning vehicle? As of now, yes. But, I am striving to be a part of the solution and lead a less impactful lifestyle.

Tell us, how did you start skiing?

My parents first put me on skis when I was two. My mom and dad were both avid skiers and wanted to share the sport with their kids so we could enjoy it as a family.

What are your future plans and ambitions?

Looking forward, I’d like for my skiing career to be bigger than me. Utilizing my platform as an athlete, I want to shed light on issues I’m passionate about.

What is your best skiing memory?

It would be hard to pinpoint just one. Skiing is so broad yet so simplistic. From getting to follow legends of the sport in their element, Eric Hjorliefson in pillows, the Traveling Circus guys, Andy Parry & Will Wesson in a terrain park, to skiing at the local hill with homies that I have been doing it with since we were groms, skiing pulls you in and away from distractions. It’s beautifully simplistic that way.

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